Going overseas doesn’t have to be intimidating.
Having a travel buddy you trust makes a world of difference — that’s where we come in. Whether you’re planning your abroad trip, you’re overseas right now, or you’re back, we have just what you need:
50,000+ Reviews & Photos
Ratings, reviews, and personal accounts from people who actually went on the programs. The right information to help you find a program that suits you, and photos to help you visualize what it will really be like on the trip.
100,000+ Community Members
Have a question? Want to read an interview from an alumni? Feel like collaborating on a group playlist for a program? Our community is international, exceptional at traveling, and open to new members — join us!
1,000+ Articles
We have articles on every topic related to traveling overseas, by writers who are either currently at the destination or have been there before. Recommendations on when, where, and how to go overseas.
$200,000 in Scholarships
We believe that travel should be accessible, not a luxury. We run multiple scholarships year-round. If you win one, we might just surprise you with a giant check!
Start Here
We don’t run any of our own programs, but we have thousands of listings for you to explore.
APPLY HERE: Work Abroad Programs & Jobs | Go Overseas